CE 认证标准:
R&TTE指令中,ETSI 针对无线充电器在EN300 330-1 V1.8.1中有章节规定:
CC 认证标准(KDB680106 D01):
Wireless power transfer (WPT) devices operating at frequencies above 9 kHz are intentional radiators and are subject to either Part 15 and/or Part 18 of the FCC rules. The specific applicable rule part depends on how the device operates, and if there is communication between the charger and device being charged.
无线充电器的标准可以是part 15 或 part 18,取决于充电设备和接受充电的设备之间是否有通讯。
Intentional radiators transmitting information must be certified under the appropriate Part 15 Rules and will generally require an equipment certification. A WPT device may operate in two different modes: charging and communications. It is possible for the device to be approved under Part 18 for the charging mode and Part 15 for the communications mode, if it can be shown that (1) the device complies with the relevant rule parts; and (2) the functions are independent. Part 18 consumer devices can be authorized using either certification or SDoC, once the appropriate RF exposure evaluation has been completed.